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Home life

Childhood Favorites

Tuesday, 22 May, 2012

I am the girl that loves breakfast anytime of the day — morning, noon, night. You get the idea. Something about eggs and toast with the occasional heaping helping of bacon or pan fried potatoes cooked in the leftover bacon grease…MMMmmm. Mr Carinae (aka Colin, or @Kaadian on Twitter) is a breakfast fan as well, but mostly because I cook it.

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Blueberry scones

Sunday, 20 March, 2011
Blueberry Scones

It’s a rainy and kind of sunny Sunday. It’s one of those strange dichotomies we rarely have in California, but it didn’t deter from my normal Sunday routine.

What is that? Why, I bake, of course!

However, that normal Sunday thing was slightly waylaid thanks to Rescue Beauty Lounge’s Iconic/Ironic collection landing in mailbox on Friday. The rain, in theory, should have put me off on swatching, but it didn’t.

Anyway, while these bad babies were baking, I painted my nails…

Don’t hate. Instead, stare at the pictures and download the recipe at the end of the post after the jump!

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