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Deborah Lippmann – Bad Romance and Bad Romance v China Glaze’s Mummy May I

Tuesday, 28 September, 2010

I won’t go busting into a rendition of Bad Romance for you. I will show you pictures instead.

Deborah Lippmann’s formula was a bit more jelly-like than China Glaze’s. However, in three coats BR was a bit more opaque and darker, coming across more on the black side than a jelly. China Glaze’s came off as a dark brown. The colors of the purple glitter are similar, but BR has the awesome hexagonal shapes while MMI has plain circles.

Good news on both colors? Fast drying. No jacked up brushes. However, both were three coaters because I didn’t get the initial color I wanted.

Picture spam begins now…


Both of these applications were three coats.