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La Rosa LaRosa

LaRosa Crackles – Metallics

Monday, 16 May, 2011

Happy Monday! I’m trying to be perky, but I’m currently going through a tiny bout of insomnia. Mostly due to allergies…thanks to the angry little dust bunnies I had inadvertently stirred up. I should’ve let sleeping dust bunnies lie, right? *sneeze* Maybe not. Anyway, I decided to slap on the metallic crackles from LaRosa. I’ve been avoiding it for weeks now and I figured I’d better get it over and done with before I start to get annoyed with myself. I hate it when I get things and then just put it aside. I’ve decided to be more diligent about using the things I purchase.

I’ve finally decided…I’m not a fan of crackles/shatters. I hate that they make my manicure look gross and unpolished. While I’m a fan of seeing a color underneath, it’s that crackle/shatter effect I find revolting. That said, I’m going to be having a cracklin’/shatterin’ giveaway soon because I don’t want them in my collection. It’ll be La Rosa and all 12 of their crackles, so stay tuned!

That said…I present 2 crackles:

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La Rosa LaRosa

LaRosa Crackles

Thursday, 5 May, 2011

This brand is relatively new and their foray into polish has been crackles. What I have here are only four of the 12 colors available. I skipped out on some of the other colors because I already have a black crackle/shatter and similar ones thanks to China Glaze.

These are different than China Glaze, though. See how and why after the jump.

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