Colors by Llarowe

Colors by Llarowe Go Straight

Monday, 14 July, 2014
Colors by Llarowe Go Straight

Colors by Llarowe Go Straight is a beautiful purple that just…words can’t even begin to describe how pretty it is.

When I first put this on, I thought it was a pretty purple. The light wasn’t bright, but it was bright enough for me to be able to paint my nails and get it took ok. Fired up the lights and then took some shots in the lightbox. Fired up the flash…stepped back and then had the light hit the nails. It was a holy poop smear this is a gorgeous color! moment. I actually had to step back and admire Colors by Llarowe Go Straight before taking the shot. I had to include two images for the direct light one because one shows the full glory of the holo while the other shows the beauty of the purple base. Honestly, it was so gorgeous that I couldn’t contain myself. I’m even wearing this color again as I type!

Colors by Llarowe Go Straight is part of the Race Day collection. This one, like the others, are all limited edition and are one offs. I said it before in other posts and I’ll say it here again – you will have to troll storenvy if you want them. You may have to pay ugly, high prices, too.



Colors by Llarowe Go StraightDiffused Light

Colors by Llarowe Go StraightFlash

Colors by Llarowe Go Straight DirectDirect Light for Colors by Llarowe Go Straight – Love the holo in here

Colors by Llarowe Go Straight Direct Light 2Had to include two shots of direct light because it showed differently in two shots. In this one, Colors by Llarowe Go Straight shows the gorgeous purple base to perfection!

Thanks for making it this far. Hope you liked what you read.

Until next time,


Colors by Llarowe Danger Zone
Colors by Llarowe Burnout

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