Candy Lacquer Derpy Hooves made me laugh so hard. I kept yelling, “DERRRRPY HOOOOOOOOVES!” to my friend over Skype. Yea, I’m cheesy like that.
Then I kept going, “DERP DERP!!! DERP DERP!!!!” Doubly cheesy and dorky to boot. However, Candy Lacquer Derpy Hooves is not cheesy and dorky. If anything, it’s such an insane wall of highly reflective glitter that if I had gone for a third coat, I think it would be a mirror on my nails.
When I was a little girl, I loved glitter polish and this is really the kind of glitter that calls to me – super shiny, super bright, super silver and some gold thrown in for good measure. It really is quite amazing and at the same time, OMG I AM BLINDED BY THE GLITTER! When I got into the sunlight for the sunlight shot I had to find an angle where Candy Lacquer Derpy Hooves didn’t make my camera want to shut down from all the shininess.
Formula is great – it dries quickly. Polish is a clear base with mostly silver glitter and some gold to break the mirror-ness of this awesome polish. Personally, I wish it had been kept all super silver shiny. That’s just me, though!
I have so many Candy Lacquer polishes that I purchased and can’t wait to share more with you.
As always, please click on the image which will double in size…then click on the image again (it will triple in size!) to view the photo in its original size.
Enlarge this macro and be prepared to be AMAZED.
This is the glitter in the shade. Can you see how reflective it is?
Oh! Blinded by the flash.
OH MY EYES!!!! I need my sunglasses.
Someone asked me why I don’t use a light box – I’ll be honest: I don’t think light boxes truly reflect what a color is like in real life. While I think a light box can get you prettier, edgier shots of a polish, I don’t think it’s very realistic. So while my images may not be as richly saturated with jewel tones or deep hues, you are getting a real-life look at the polish in action.
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À bientôt!