The good: What Chanel Tentation and Chanel Suspicious have in common is the bright pink thing going on. It can easily play between spring, summer and fall. What Chanel Tentation did was have a slight shimmer that ran through it while making the base slightly more jelly/sheer. Chanel Suspicious is a bit more richly hued, but with the same bright pink-not-quite-magenta. Chanel Suspicious is also a lovely creme pink – how can one NOT love that? Plus, both were flattering to my skin tone which is an amazing feat. Usually colors within this hue and saturation usually make my skin appear decades older than what it really is — so thumbs up from me on this.
The bad: what? Chanel Tentation and Chanel Suspicious have nothing bad about them! Ok, maybe a tiny bad – both formulas took a while to dry. It did drive me slightly batty. Chanel Tentation also tended to bubble, despite me waiting ten minutes between coats. Chanel Suspicious was quicker to dry and really didn’t have bubbling issues. I also played it safe and waited ten minutes between coats – it was clear I didn’t need to do that. Chanel Suspicious dried within five minutes of having been applied to my nail.
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Can you spot the difference? It’s really not noticeable here. All you see is the pretty pinkness…Until you get into the sunlight!