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China Glaze Foie Gras

Monday, 12 March, 2012
China Glaze Foie Gras

Oh, those Hunger Games colors. I got them all…and I’m starting with Foie Gras for a reason, so come on over and see why!

First off, I have to say that I’m seriously lovin’ the Hunger Games collection and I’m debating on doing a giveaway because I’m hearing some of my polish girls out there are having issues with getting some of the colors…so keep your eyes here, follow me on Twitter, Networked Blogs and BlogLovin’ to stay ahead!

Now, when I first saw this color I thought it would be a bit too dark and somehow my skin tone would detract from this color. Thank goodness it didn’t! This color was a dream – opaque in two medium coats with a fast dry time and it had such a high gloss shine, I was left absolutely speechless. I think China Glaze really outdid themselves with the formula in this collection. I swatched two other colors and was so impressed! Way to go, China Glaze!

Foie Gras is this gorgeous, smoky, dusky purple that somehow appeared more brown in the picture than it did in real life. It was such a flattering color on me that I can’t wait to sport it later on in the week. For now, I’m currently wearing another China Glaze color (Make Some Noise) and it will be featured tomorrow. I am loath to take off Foie Gras. Why? See below! It’s so gorgeous.

As always, please click the photo to see it in its original size.

It looks lighter in the photo, but it’s not. It’s actually a shade or two darker. Absolutely stunning!

This past weekend, I actually ate foie gras at this wonderful restaurant in San Francisco called Spruce. Apparently I ate at a fancy place because they have a Michelin Star. I have to say, I’m a total fan of foie gras…always have been, always will be. However, I eat it few and far between. The last time I ate foie gras before last Friday was ten years ago. I was happy with it and I felt no need to eat it again. Same for this, too.

The foie gras is at the bottom of the picture – the dark brown thing. My iPhone camera didn’t do the colors justice because it was extremely close to the color of China Glaze’s Foie Gras! They (CG) got really close with the colors. I ate the Hudson Valley Foie Gras with Vadouvan Waffle (it was lovely and savory), with a pear jelly and pistachios. It was absolutely divine.

My main course was Grilled Bavette Steak, medium rare. Duck fat potatoes – absolutely heavenly, by the way…and foraged mushrooms with bordelaise. That white blob on top? I swear it was a dill butter that just melted all over my steak, adding a crazy kind of richness that really nearly sent me over the edge!

This was my dessert — Chocolate Tart. It had a chocolate crust, the white stuff with the chocolate shaving is coffee ice cream. The ball on the plate? That is Spruce’s Beignet which my friend Tish generously shared with me…If I were her, I’d have hoarded all 10 of them. Then again, she’s not me and that’s why she’s skinny bitch! She’s gorgeous. I should have followed her suit, but I didn’t. The beignet was heaven. It was warm, rolled in sugar and then served with 2 dipping sauces – one creme anglaise and the other chocolate. I definitely preferred the creme anglaise. MY dessert was lovely, but for some reason, I’m still not a fan of coffee ice cream despite the fact I now drink coffee…go figure. The sauce on my plate is salted caramel – it was divine. I’m not sure what those 5 nuggets were, but they did not make me happy.

This was our friend’s dessert – warm apple pie with salted caramel sauce, pears and an ice cream I nearly knocked him over for – cheddar cheese. Cheddar cheese ice cream sounds odd, but I will tell you it intrigued me and I almost passed on the chocolate tart just for that. I should have, because after I got a bite of that, I was in heaven!

I didn’t take pictures of our appetizers, but I had duck mousse which came in this tiny pot which I dubbed The Pot of Yumminess because it really was absolutely scrumptious. I enjoyed everything I ate that night…If you ever want a fancy dinner, hit Spruce in San Francisco. They have valet parking but sometimes you totally score with the street, saving $12 in the process.

China Glaze Make Some Noise

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