Deborah Lippmann Deborah Lippmann Home life

Secret New Year’s Date #2

Friday, 25 November, 2011

My second box arrived…

I participated in a polish exchange on a forum outside of Facebook. The first box I received I was floored. I had done a reveal on this before. Now, I’m going to show you the second package I received. This one literally had me shaking and crying big time! I thought the generosity and total showmanship was pretty rockin’ in the first box. Imagine getting this one and then going “AAAAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG THISCAN’TBEREAL!!!!!!!!!!” Yea, that was me. Come on over and see WHY.

Warning — this is an intensely image heavy post.

Reveal 1

This really surprised me…

Reveal 2

Look at this – wouldn’t you start to freak out, too?!

Reveal 3

Adorable card…

YUMMY CANDY! (hubby totes demolished all of it, btw)

Reveal 5

First pretty package…

Reveal 6

A brand I had been dying to try, but could never get ahold of…

Reveal 7 Black Orchid

Black Orchid is the name of this color.

Reveal 8


Reveal 8 Billionaire

Deborah Lippman’s Billionaire

Reveal 9

Reveal 10

Flash totally distorted the color. GAH!!!

Reveal 10

Reveal 10 Call you later

Call You Later from Sinful Colors

Reveal 11

Reveal 12 jazz & st lucia lilac

E s s i e colors…so pretty!!!

Reveal 13

Reveal 13 green

Pretty green…

Reveal 14

Reveal 14 Call Me Irresponsible

Another Deborah Lippman! It is Call Me Irresponsible.

Reveal 15

I love the instruction on this one…

Reveal 15.2

Pretty pretty shiny package…

Reveal 15.3

Reveal 15.4

Reveal 15.5 New World Purple

Dior’s New World Purple…DON’T HATE! Super pretty…and can’t wait to swatch.

Reveal 16

Look at this wonderful package!!

I’m so floored – LOVE IT. The girl that sent me this is DanieC…I am absolutely speechless over her generosity and perfect choices.

Thank you, thank you!!!

Nail Mail!

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