Well, they did as they promised and called me. However, once I had them in my possession, I was not impressed. I was so unimpressed that I put them in the back of my OPI drawer. Yea. Out of sight, out of mind and all that. However, it sat at the back of my mind for ages and I finally thought…”why not?”
So here it is. OPI Diva of Geneva is a pretty color – don’t get me wrong. It’s got some nice flashes to it and that makes it somewhat redeemable, but it’s not me. Sorry, OPI. Your final solo fall collection didn’t wow me the way your France collection just a few scant years ago.
Formula was ok. Nothing really stood out. I guess that means it dried in a decent amount of time and didn’t annoy me.
Please excuse the big old chip on my middle finger. I had been wearing this color for a few days just to see how it would hold up. It wasn’t too bad. 🙂