As always, click the thumbnails to see the bad cuticles up close.
I’m not partial to pastels and I guess Orly had to put up some pastels because well, it’s spring and what is that season without pretty happy colors for me to throw up on?
I did have problems on most of them. I tried different base coats and they still had a tendency to be a bit chalky and unpredictable. All were 2 coats aside form Cotton Candy. I think I had a bunk bunch of bottles. Oh well. *shrugs*
Pixy Stix – Shade (L) and Sunlight (R)
Not quite as bright as some other pinks out there, but…it’s got a pretty darn close neon factor.
Cotton Candy – Shade (L) and Sun (R)
Dunno why, but IÂ think ‘coral’ when I see this on me.
Gumdrop – Shade (L) and Sunlight (R)
I thought of China Glaze’s For Audrey when I put this on. Will amend post later to add in a comparison swatch
Lemonade – Shade (L) and Sunlight (R)
Just reaffirms my belief that IÂ was never meant to wear pastel yellow ORÂ yellow nail polish, period. Ever.
Lollipop – Shade (L) and Sunlight (R)
This reminds me of a lavender shade that’s been liberally doused with pink…
Snowcone – Shade (L) and Sunlight (R)
IÂ thought it was a periwinkle color, but it’s more along the lines of a light turquoise.
Snowcone vs China Glaze’s Secret Peri-wink-le
Pinkie and Index finger – Snowcone
Middle and Ring Finger – Secret Peri-wink-le