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Chanel – Particulière

Tuesday, 25 January, 2011

I had waited for this color, but one of my BFFs from college totally pulled through for me last year and purchased this in Paris for me…and through a series of foiled plans to get together, I finally got my grubby little paws on this bottle back in December.

The weather hadn’t been playing nice, but one day it did…and here is what I have for you.

Formula was fantastic – quick drying. I love cremes and this is no exception. No boo boo shimmer to mess this color up.

This color does not fail on delivery. I was truly surprised at how gorgeous this really was. I wore it for a few days and just marveled at the beauty. Marveled at how fabulous it looked on me. *weeps* If you can, run out and get this color because this is one of those Chanels that you will love to have in your collection ten years from now. That and Paradoxal. 😉 I love Paradoxal…must get another bottle of it. I gave my back-up away, but no regrets because it went to a wonderful person!

Essie – Merino Cool

Wednesday, 6 October, 2010

I love colors like this. Part of Essie’s Fall 2010 Collection, this color is one of my favorites out of all the polishes I have right now. Colors like this have always had a special place in my heart.

Formula was good – dried fast and was opaque in 2 coats.