In continuing with my thing for teal and turquoise, I now present Barielle’s Decadence.
The shimmer in here makes the color pop and look almost electric against my skin. It’s kind of cool, isn’t it?
Bon weekend, mes amis!
So the little black nail polish wearing, corset sporting, goth girl at heart loves this color…and not because of the name! I’ve always had a tendency to lean towards dark nail polish and this is no exception…even if it has glitter. What I love about this is actually the glitter…it’s silver against black – yay!! – but not only that it’s different sizes: big, medium and small. Very cool. What a way to play on glitter, Orly. Smart move!
I am so sweet on this blue gray. I wish I could carry off gray nail polish and I wish I could carry off some of the blues I see out there…and this is a perfect compromise! This concrete blue hints at periwinkle, too. It’s got a mild blue shimmer that runs through it, making this blue-gray a total winner in my book!