This is where I will be storing my swatches of nail polish for my reference- feel free to browse! I also write rambling notes on the polish because for me there is more to the color – there is the formula, how easy is it to apply and did it make me go SQUEEEE when I put it on me?
This blog serves the nail polish frenzy that has had me since I was five years old and was looking through my mother’s Avon catalog. I begged her to buy me the darkest shades and the sassiest reds. She never did buy me Avon nail polish, but she had no problems with letting me get some Wet N Wild stuff for 99 cents.
I didn’t wear nail polish for the longest time because I felt it got in the way of my jewelry making. That particular foray started with a bit of beading, eventually resulting in me buying sheets of silver, a scroll saw, an acetylene torch and building a ventilated jewelry studio in our home.
My husband is Scottish and a newly minted vegetarian. I still have no shame in eating a steak or a hamburger in front of him. On occasion I see him stare longingly at some steak on my plate, but his reasons for going vegetarian are not health reasons, merely that he feels nothing should die in order to feed him or as I say, “You’re going through your 14 year old girl phase of MEAT IS MURDER!!!”
The short version: I’m a girl who has a sick unhealthy obsession with nail polish, jewelry, traveling, eating good food, Hello Kitty and just about anything that’s shiny, not necessarily all in that order.
I’m also a video game geek. I married a fellow video game player! (NO we did not meet in an MMO, but we met when we both worked in a video game company in San Francisco) When we’re not gaming, we venture out to take pictures. I attempt to hike and all that other fun stuff. He takes kick ass photos.
I love my husband and my dog. I also love the fact that we are fortunate enough to live a good life. We’ve been blessed (some say cursed) with the ability to be able to live and work in different parts of the world. One day we’ll settle down. Maybe.
Social Media stats
- Twitter: with about 400 followers
- Instagram: with over 500 followers
- Facebook: with over 1,400 Likes
- Carinae L’etoile’s polish stash: A bulk of my readers come from the United States, followed closely by Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom and France.
Thanks for reading about me!