I liked the BURN YOUR EYES orange of Gamma that I showed yesterday, but what I like most about this collection is that the other colors are actually understated. However, they are still a very pretty sight to behold. Wouldn’t you agree?
I now present
How can anyone call this color stagnate? It’s such a gorgeous wonderful creme shade! When I wore this color I was reminded of a lovely hot cup of steaming hot cocoa with just the right amount of milk. Well, at least that’s just me. Maybe not for you.
It’s a great color because it was perfectly opaque in two medium coats. It’s got some great coverage…and look ma! Barely visible VNL! 🙂
I saw this color and went, “Ohh…this reminds me of China Glaze’s Out On Safari.” However, it’s much, much, MUCH less stinky and far easier to manage than OOS. I’m so bummed about this particular shade because my camera failed to capture the slight green shimmer, despite the fact it was able to get the shimmer…just not the color of it.
This shade would have worked with two coats, but I did three just in case and frankly, three coats = overkill. In fact, I think it killed the pretty green shimmer. Once again, my attempt at nail polish application? Failure. Oh well. You’ll have to buy a bottle of this shade and see how it is for yourself.