Ninja Polish Shillelagh is the kind of polish that made me go, “Um…wow!”
Come see how and why I was totally blown away by Ninja Polish Shillelagh.
A shillelagh is a thick stick of blackthorn or oak used in Ireland, typically as a weapon.
Now, I don’t know where or how Ninja Polish came up with this f-amazing green. It glows. Ninja Polish Shillelagh glows from within and the pictures I will share with you really don’t capture the true beauty that is this green, which happens to be part of the Enigma collection which was released before St Patrick’s Day of this year.
The formula was nothing short of awesome – this is three thin coats because I couldn’t believe how beautiful this green is. I literally filled up my camera’s video card with shots of this polish. I’ve picked out 6+ of the best shots. I hope you like them and see why I’m so in love with Ninja Polish Shillelagh. The green felt like it was two colors when I shifted my hand slightly and it shows below.
As always, please click on the image which will double in size…then click on the image again (it will triple in size!) to view the photo in its original size.
How beautiful is this?
Up close shot of the polish on my nail.
Beautiful deep green here…
…only for it to look light golden green here!
Again – light golden green…
….to dark golden green, almost olive, wouldn’t you say?
Kelly green…
…deep dark golden Kelly green.
What do you think of this green? Will you be purchasing it?
Ninja Polish Shillelagh can be purchased at the Ninja Polish website.
Someone asked me why I don’t use a light box – I’ll be honest: I don’t think light boxes truly reflect what a color is like in real life. While I think a light box can get you prettier, edgier shots of a polish, I don’t think it’s very realistic. So while my images may not be as richly saturated with jewel tones or deep hues, you are getting a real-life look at the polish in action.
Thank you for making it this far. If you liked what you read, please share this – sharing is caring!
À bientôt!