Rescue Beauty Lounge – Anne and Jane

Wednesday, 22 September, 2010

I was going to write something witty about the last two colors of RBL’s The Real Housewives of the Tudor Dyntasty, but I decided against it. I’m not feeling it right now, but I do like these colors.

Unlike the other 2 Catherines, these colors were runny and took a while to dry. Both of these colors are three coaters because they were thin coating, even when I went super heavy handed on the second coat.

Seriously pretty and gorgeous almost but not quite grey green. At least it looks grey green on me! Definitely a great color that Ji’s pulled off.

Crazy up close shot of the color in the bottle.

Super faint shimmer in this shot. So faint it was that I honestly thought it was the camera messing up. Then I looked at it again.

You can see the shimmer here and even the shimmer while it’s in the bottle. Very pretty. However, the color really isn’t me – doesn’t look good at all. Maybe I’ll learn to like the neutral colors, but this type of neutral doesn’t entice me. 🙁

Up close shot of the color in the bottle.

Rescue Beauty Lounge No More War
A Tale of Two Catherines by Rescue Beauty Lounge